A 17-year-old Trowbridge teenager has been jailed for a year after robbing a 15-year-old boy on New Year’s Eve.

The teenager, who is from Hilperton and can’t be named for legal reasons, forced his way in to the victim’s home on New Year’s Eve last year.

He assaulted the boy by punching him to the head and face before taking his property – a necklace and a bag containing some personal items.

The 17-year-old was found guilty of robbery and sentenced to 12 months in prison and to pay his victim £100 at Salisbury Youth Court on Tuesday.

Sgt Leighton Williams said: “We welcome this result as this was a terrifying incident for our young victim and we are pleased justice has been served.

“I hope, following this sentencing, that the victim and his family are now able to move on from this ordeal knowing that his attacker is behind bars.”