YEAR 6 pupils at Westbury Leigh Primary School said goodbye to their teachers at an end-of-term celebration that was slightly different to the norm.

The Covid-19 coronavirus has meant that school life has been vastly different to that which pupils would normally experience.

At Westbury Leigh, staff always make a time of celebration for Year 6 leavers and they certainly didn’t let this year be any different.Head teacher Mrs Debbie Grimsey said: “No one could have predicted the events which have taken place over the last few months.

“Although we are pretty sure no-one minded SATs being cancelled, our school community certainly didn’t want Year 6 to feel disappointed that they would miss out on end-of-term leaver’s celebrations."“Our day started with a cooked breakfast from Love Leigh Diner - sausage and bacon baps with hash browns, a chance to socialise and catch-up over breakfast.

“Our usual school shirts signing was a little different this year but the job got done.”

Year 6 were able to continue their celebrations outside with Westbury Leigh Pod’s got Talent and the Leavers Assembly both taking place on the outside stage.

She added: “Despite it being a challenging and unique year for our Year 6s, they have embraced every opportunity and been an inspiration to us all.

"We are very proud of them and we are delighted to have said goodbye through a special day in school.”

Celebrations continued on the school field with a picnic lunch and a Hollywood-style photo shoot in a specially-decorated marquee.

Nicol said: “I thought it was brilliant because everyone got to celebrate but a bit differently.”

Sam said: “Our leaver’s day was a blast. Even though times have been hard WLPS put amazing effort in, so we could do some of the things we had missed out on like Westbury Leigh’s Got Talent, receiving our Year Books and walking out to our school song during assembly outside, and everyone loved it.”