A ‘free to access’ Facebook group for parents concerned about the impact of digital and social media on their children has been launched by a Corsham company.

The Parent’s Social Media Hub will offer education and advice about the various platforms that exist and how they work.

Social media agency, Naturally Social, based at The Digital Mansion, Pickwick Road, Corsham, launched the hub to celebrate Safer Internet Day on February 11.

Natalie Sherman, founder and director of Naturally Social, said: “When talking to parents, I know the biggest pain point for them is actually understanding how each platform works.

“Where to find safety features and settings and knowing the language to use when speaking to their children about social media. It’s overwhelming.

“This needs to be addressed and we want to support parents to have conversations about staying safe online,” Miss Sherman said.

Safer Internet Day saw hundreds of organisations across the UK, Europe and beyond pledging their commitment to promote the safe, sensible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.

The annual campaign focused on using technology responsibly and respectfully inspired Naturally Social to launch its new Facebook group to give back to the local community.

Ms Sherman added: “The Parent’s Social Media Hub is aimed initially at Wiltshire-based parents and will be a non-judgemental, safety focused, community group where no question is too small.

“Naturally Social encourages Wiltshire-based parents to join the Facebook group, and will be there to offer free advice on topics such as how each platform works, how to monitor behaviour on social media and how to limit screen time.”

To join the group, go to www.facebook.com/groups/parentsocialmediahub