It was without doubt a disgrace that the Melksham baton twirling group had to suffer at the hands of morons, (Letters, Nov 1) but even more disgraceful is the fact that no-one did, or ever seems to, tell these idiots that their behaviour is unacceptable. Did no-one challenge these cowards?

Why have we accepted this behaviour, or are still surprised by it. This minority of mindless morons are the same minority who litter our streets, let their vicious dogs mess in our public places, think nothing of using vile language at any time and any where, have received or issue no parental guidance letting their offspring run riot at every opportunity, along with their reckless driving of their untaxed, uninsured cars, at high speeds around our streets, whilst talking on mobiles.

Just last night at our brand new cinema there were four young men who threw food at each other, sitting with their feet on the seats in front, leaving their space looking like an indoor grenade range.

These people would rather be seen out in a onesie than wearing a poppy.

Mark Griffiths, Staverton.