Trick or treaters will be given free sweets at The Shires shopping centre, Trowbridge.

Between, 2.30pm and 3.30pm on Thursday, about 40 stores in the centre will be giving away the confectionery to visitors under 12 who are dressed in Halloween costumes and accompanied by an adult.

Sarah-Louise Moore, the centre manager, said: “We’re convinced this is the way forward for trick or treating.

“It’s safer for the children and more reassuring for elderly or vulnerable people who don’t like opening their doors to strangers at night.”

The trick or treat trail starts at The Sweet Shop, at the Castle Street entrance, where children will get a bag to fill up.

A fancy dress competition will follow the trick or treating, with prizes for those judged wearing the best costumes. Face painting will be running at The Shires from 11am until 3pm. For more information, call 01225 777255.