Supermarket worker Sarah Heard is enjoying a new lease of life after losing 7st in seven months.

The 42-year-old from Westbury weighed 17st 7lb last April, when doctors told her she needed to lose weight or face a major operation.

She enrolled in classes with counsellor Celia Manville in Warminster as part of the LighterLife Total programme, where ordinary eating is replaced with specially-formulated food packs, alongside weekly counselling sessions.

She said: “At my first weigh-in I’d lost 10.8lbs in just one week and that was all the motivation I needed.

“I had the proof that it worked, obviously the weight loss wasn’t that dramatic each week but it was a steady three or four pounds every time.

“The best part about losing the weight is that my life is now pain free, my feet and hips are back to normal and I can move around freely. I go on much longer walks now with my dogs and go swimming a lot, something I would never have done while I was overweight.”

For more information about the LighterLife programme she used, visit