BINGE drinking, prison sentences, mental health concerns and crime were among issues raised by young people when they met an MP.

North Wiltshire MP James Gray met members of the Young People's Council at North Wiltshire District Council to debate issues important to them.

The meeting was arranged following a recent Local Democracy Week, during which young people said they wanted to tackle people's perceptions of the youth generation.

Mr Gray said: "It was great to meet up with the Young People's Council, and to have a full and frank exchange of ideas on a wide variety of topics.

"They were particularly concerned about correcting some older people's perception and image of young people today.

"It was great to meet such an intelligent, coherent, outspoken and committed group of young people."

Lesley Taylor, youth development officer at the district council, said: "Young people have opinions about the issues that are important to us all but their views are often overlooked. Meeting the local MP was a great opportunity for them to raise these concerns."