AN amputee who has battled his way through a serious motorbike accident, cancer and a breakdown has launched a website he hopes will help other disabled people.

Stuart Green, 36, of Southway, Trowbridge set up to give others a better chance of having a holiday without frustrations caused by the lack of facilities for disabled people. He said: "I have been disabled for a number of years and when we go on holiday we have trouble finding places that are wheelchair friendly.

"This is about giving people information about places that are and also about letting them know that even if you are disabled you can still get out there and do things."

Mr Green was a call centre worker living in Leeds in 1998 when his life changed forever.

He was in a motorbike accident that left his leg severely damaged and he has been in and out of hospital and through several major operations ever since. Just a few years after the accident he was diagnosed with blood cancer Hodgkin's Lymphoma and, after so many setbacks, had a breakdown.

He battled his way through the illnesses but was still having major problems with his leg and eventually, in June last year, made the decision to have it amputated.

He said: "It was a hard decision to make but after eight years of constant pain it was actually a relief once I went ahead."

Mr Green moved to Trowbridge in 2004 after meeting his future wife, Julie, 36, and the pair set up the new website together.

It has proved to be a huge hit and the couple are now looking to recruit more people who can act as researchers across the UK.

The site also offers a wide range of other information specifically aimed at those with a disability.

For more information on becoming a researcher call Stuart or Julie on 0845 009 0059.