I AM 19 years of age and work at Polebarn Road, Trowbridge. As a rail enthusiast I would like to congratulate the people who saved the Waterloo service but was it really a threat?

Considering it runs 10 minutes behind the Portsmouth-Cardiff service all you need to do is take a Portsmouth-bound train to Salisbury and change there.

Typical D of T I'd say. After all, they save a service that isn't too vital and cut off the Melksham services to two a day! I met my friend at Melksham on the 18.09 arrival and the train was half full. Now we are going to have two, travelling to and from work by train for me will be impossible and on Sundays what are we supposed to do? There will be no trains and no buses and we will have to get a taxi that costs nearly £20 for one way!

I just hope if there are no trains on a Sunday that the council fund the 234 bus to run on Sundays like some other bus routes do.