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Public Notice

Kudos Pet Products Ltd

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 98 of the Insolvency Act 1986 that a meeting of creditors of the above-named Company will be held at the offices of ReSolve Part­ners LLP, Baskerville House, Broad Street, Birmingham, West Mid­lands, B1 2ND, on 18 February 2013, at 11.30 am for the purposes mentioned in Sections 99,100 and 101 of the Act A list of the names and addresses of the Company's creditors will be available for in­spection free of charge, at the of­fices of ReSolve Partners LLP, One America Square, Crosswall, Lon­don, EC3 N 2 LB between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm on the two business days preceding the date of the creditors meeting.

Any creditor en­titled to attend and vote at this meeting is entitled to do so either in person or by proxy. Creditors wishing to vote at the meeting must (unless they are individual credi­tors attending in person) lodge their proxy at the offices of ReSolve Part­ners LLP, One America Square, Crosswall, London, EC3N 2LB, no later than 12 noon on the working day before the meeting.

Unless there are exceptional circum­stances, a creditor will not be enti­tled to vote unless his written statement of claim ('proof), which clearly sets out the name and ad­dress of the creditor and the amount claimed, has been lodged and admitted for voting purposes.

Whilst such proofs may be lodged at any time before voting com­mences, creditors intending to vote at the meeting are requested to send them with their proxies. Un­less they surrender their security, secured creditors must give partic­ulars of their security, the date when it was given and the esti­mated value at which it is assessed iftheywishtovoteatthe meeting,

The resolutions to be taken at the creditors' meeting may include a resolution specifying the terms on which the joint liquidators are to be remunerated and the meeting may receive information about, or be asked to approve, the costs of preparing the statement of affairs and convening the meeting. Dated: 24 January 2013 Brian Brooks, Director

Published on 01/02/2013