The next generation of news reporters got a head start after taking part in a BBC project.

Thirty-seven pupils from St Laurence School in Bradford on Avon took part in the BBC School Report project.

The 33 Year 7 and 8 students, and four sixth formers, split into teams to produce eight written pieces and three film stories.

The films covered the proposed Bradford footbridge, Mother’s Day and students who can get an equivalent GCSE B grade by working in McDonald’s for two weeks.

The written articles included stories about Microsoft’s new internet player, the Blue Peter dog retiring, a footballer’s eco-home and secondary school choices.

Year 7 pupil Katie Kilgallen said: “It’s been going really well. I like English so would like to be a news reporter.”

Sixth former Jade Potter, who is mentoring the younger students, said: “We looked at the same stories in different newspapers and then went into Bradford on Avon to talk to residents so they could get a feel for what it is like to be a news reporter.”

The stories are available on both the BBC and school websites.