KIDNEY patient Dick Cooke is looking forward to the festive season for the first time in four years, as he will be able to enjoy simple things like eating Christmas cake.

The Corsham dad, pictured, who underwent an operation to receive a kidney from a long-time family friend said he was feeling great and had been reunited with his donor, Victoria Conrad, last week.

Mrs Conrad had made a good recovery from the operation on December 2 in Southmead Hospital in Bristol but caught a bug following surgery which had left her under the weather.

Mr Cooke, 53, of Charlwood Road in Corsham said: “It was nothing to do with the operation, she had just caught an infection afterwards that had caused her to become ill, but I’m glad she is surrounded by her family who will be with her over Christmas.”

He said that despite wishing her a swift recovery, he was feeling great and he and his family were looking forward to the festive season. He said it would be the first time in four years he had not had to use his dialysis machine on Christmas day.

He said: “Over past years we haven’t had a Christmas cake, as I haven’t been able to eat all the things in it. This year we ceremoniously stirred the cake mixture.

“My son Jimmy is back for Christmas and my parents, who live in Westwood, will be coming to stay with us.”

Mr Cooke lost both his kidneys after four bouts of cancer and had to use a dialysis machine every day for four years.

He said he had been going for daily walks, but had to keep away from people as his immune system had been lowered as a result of the operation.