NEWSPAPER editor Andy Sambidge is leaving the Wiltshire Times and Chippenham News this week to start a new life with his wife Sarah in Dubai.

Andy, 39, was born in Birmingham and moved to Wiltshire in 2005 when he was offered the Wiltshire Times job. After three-and-a-half years at the helm, he is moving to the Middle East to start a new website publishing role and a new life in the sun. His hobbies include sport, travel and TV.

How would your best friend describe you?

Generous, loyal and friendly. They might also describe me as short and overweight.

Where would you recommend for a great evening out?

I've lived in Corsham for the past three years and I have yet to find a better place to eat than Cinnamon in the High Street.

It is a tiny place but the food is great and they also have some great red wines on the menu.

For an annual event, I'd recommend the Proms at Lacock.

What do you do for fun?

My social life is built around friends, sport and alcohol and I have been very fortunate to be invited to some fabulous events at Twickenham and the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff over the past few years.

I also used to love playing golf and badminton but it's so difficult to find the time nowadays.

What motto or phrase do you try to live your life by?

It's better to regret something you have done rather than something you haven't.

This sums up why I'm so excited to be going to Dubai. I'm confident it will be great out there but if it's not, I'll chalk it down as one of life's experiences and move on.

Who in the public eye do you most respect and why?

Internationally, it has to be Nelson Mandela. On a holiday in South Africa, my wife and I visited Robben Island where he spent many years imprisoned. I'm not a particularly emotional person but it was a very moving moment to stand in his cell.

My sporting hero is Ian Botham - I just loved his attitude to sport, the way he put two fingers up at anyone who criticised him.

What is your biggest regret?

Never meeting my granddad who died before I was born. He was a doctor and apparently my red beard when I fail to shave is down to his genes!

What is your favourite TV programme or film and why?

I love TV but if I had to say one programme it would have to be The Simpsons.

It is the only programme I can watch even if I've seen the episode about 10 times before.

My favourite film is Shawshank Redemption but I always turn to Airplane! if I need cheering up.

What makes you sad?

Seeing other people sad. While I can cope with my own emotions, it's horrible to see people you love upset - like seeing my wife at her nan's funeral a few years ago.

Describe your perfect day.

It would start with a round of golf on a sunny winter's morning, followed by going to watch a top rugby or football match in the afternoon and finish with a great meal out with family or friends.